Saturday, July 9, 2011

Health Fitness | Health & Fitness File, July 7

July 7, 2011 ? 1:35 am

Wheaton Franciscan-All Saints sanatorium

Classes at the Spring Street Campus are offering by theWheaton Franciscan Community Health Education. Call (888) 994-3286or revisit the Web, to record for all classes.Classes will be hold at All Saints-St. Luke?s Health Pavilion, 3821Spring St. For a total list of arriving Community HealthEducation programs (along with encouragement groups) at WheatonFranciscan-All Saints, revisit the Web,

Baby Signs ParentWorkshop: Use pointer denunciation to talk with newborn beforehe can talk. 6-8 p.m. July 14 (second Thursday of any month).$50.

Baby Me: Join other parents of babies age 1 and younger for presentations onvarious parenting topics. 1-2:30 p.m. July 15 (first and thirdFridays of any month). $1. For the report of topics, revisit . For information, call (262) 687-3275.

BreastfeedingBasics: This class, taught by a house approved lactationconsultant, covers the ?how to?s? of breastfeeding. 9-11 a.m. July16 (third Saturday of any month). $10, allege registration isrequired.

Western Racine County

Blood Pressure andImmunization Clinics

Children?s vaccines existing for administration department fee: Chickenpox, diphtheria, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Hib meningitis, HPV,measles, meningococcal, mumps, pertussis, polio, rotavirus, rubellaand tetanus.

Adult?s vaccines existing for administration department price (limited timeonly) include: Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis), Hep A (severefood poisoning), and Hep B (virus results from bearing toinfectious blood or body fluids containing blood).

TB Skin Tests are moreover existing ($10 in addition to administration department fee,must call 24 hours in allege to schedule). Resident?s per-personadministration fees: $10 for one; $15 for two; 3 or more, $20.Non-resident?s per person administration department fees: $20 for one; $25 fortwo; 3 or more, $30. Badger Care/Medicaid are price free withcard.

Blood pressures are free, no appointments necessary.

July 13, Western Racine County Health Department, 156 E. StateSt., Burlington, 4-6 p.m.

July 18, Waterford Public Library, 101 N. River St., Waterford,5-7 p.m.

July 20, Western Racine County Health Department, 156 E. StateSt., Burlington, 9-10 a.m.

July 25, Norway Town Hall, 6419 Heg Park Road, Wind Lake, 5-6p.m.

July 28, Western Racine County Health Department, 156 E. StateSt., Burlington, 4-6 p.m.

July 29, During the Burlington Sidewalk Sale, at the WesternRacine County Health Department, 156 E. State St., Burlington, 9a.m.-3 p.m. Free immunizations for Western Racine County residentsand administration department fees waived for adult and children?svaccines.

Questions may be destined to Western Racine County HealthDepartment at (262) 763-4930 or (800) 688-4930 or revisit the Web, .

Aurora Health Care

Menopausal HormoneTherapy: Dr. Lenora Brockman will talk about the information andfiction of hormone deputy therapy. 6-7:30 p.m. July 19. Free.Aurora Health Center, East building, considerable discussion room, 8348Washington Ave., Mount Pleasant.

To register, call (800) 499-5736 or revisit the Web, and use the keyword search: Hormonetherapy.

Zumba Fitness

City of Racine Parks Cultural Services Department (through the finish of2011):

Dr. John Bryant Center, 601 21st St., 3:30-4:30 p.m. Tuesdays Thursdays (instructor Robin Rodgers), free.

Tyler-Domer Center, 2301 12th St., 5:30-6:30 p.m. Mondays Wednesdays or 6-7 p.m. Fridays (instructor Seandra Cornelious), $1donation.

Humble Park, 2200 Blaine Ave., 10-11 a.m. Wednesdays(instructor Ellen Deering), $1 donation.

Cesar Chavez, 2221 Douglas Ave., 6:15-7:15 p.m. Wednesdays(instructor Ellen Deering), $1 donation.

North BeachOasis:

Outdoor Zumba classes on the beach at the North Beach Oasis, 100Kewaunee St. 11 a.m. Saturdays, by Sept. 3, and at 5:30 p.m.Tuesdays by Aug. 30. Free.

Central Racine County Health Department

Adult vaccines: For a paltry time, reduced-cost adult vaccines will be available.Vaccines add hepatitis A, hepatitis B, MMR (measles, mumps andrubella), varicella (chickenpox), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria,pertussis), Td (tetanus, diphtheria) and HPV human papillomavirus).HPV is right away existing for both group and women. Adult vaccines areavailable at the continually scheduled immunizations clinics or byappointment.

Children?svaccines: Children immunizations add DTaP, polio, Hib,MMR, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, varicella, meningococcal, HPV (nowavailable to girls and boys) and Tdap. Childhood vaccines areavailable at the continually scheduled immunization clinics.

All clinics will be hold at the Central Racine County HealthDepartment, 10005 Northwestern Ave. (second building of the U.S. Bankbuilding), Caledonia. The immunization report is:

First Thursday of the month, 4-5 p.m.

Second Monday of the month,4-5:30 p.m.

Third Thursday of the month, 10-11 a.m.

Fourth Thursday of the month,4-5:30 p.m.

Administrative fees are $10 for all Caledonia, Mount Pleasant,Sturtevant and North Bay residents; $15 for all non-residents. Feeis free for Badgercare and Medicaid patients. Call (262) 898-4460for more information.

Fitness File is published every Wednesday and includesnotices of nonprofit aptness and health-related programs. Thedeadline to contention an statement is 7 days before the desiredpublication date. Mail information to Fitness File, c/o DianeCollins, 212 Fourth St., Racine, WI 53403; fax to (262) 631-1780;or contention it to the online monthly calendar at and use the ?Health?category.

Tags: Health Fitness


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