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Boeing have signed an agreement to upgrade the US Air Force?s ?Combat Survivor Evader Locator? (CSEL) handheld radios with new capabilities to enable faster search of rescue of isolated personal.
With almost 54,500 CSEL radios delivered to the US Military date, the multi-million dollar contract also involves upgrading the CSEL ultra high frequency (UHF) base station network.
Developed by Boeing, the network-enabled, multifunctional radio system allows rescue teams to precisely locate isolated personnel by using multi-satellite, over-the-horizon secure communications and GPS.
First introduced in 2005, the system provides real-time communication capabilities and enhanced coordination, with the upgrades bringing the CSEL network up to the latest Information Assurance standards that protect networks from outside intrusion.
Boeing CSEL Program Manager, Steve Capps commented:
?These new contracts confirm that Boeing is meeting commitments to provide our military customers with world-class, next-generation communications capabilities.
?CSEL provides the US Military with the strategic advantage of an easy-to-use, multifunctional radio that already played a critical role in numerous successful rescues involving downed combat forces and pilots.?
Air Force Lt. Matthew Renner, who was previously a CSEL test engineer with the Joint Program Office for Personnel Recovery at Hanscom Air Force Base added:
?There?s never been anything like CSEL for search and rescue. These new capabilities can reduce rescue time and give isolated personnel another option to get home safely. The pilots we?ve worked with are really excited about it.?
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