Sunday, April 7, 2013

Dean's List: Penn State University

Penn State University -- Matthew Arrison of Mcsherrystown; Leeann Black of East Berlin; Eric Black of East Berlin; Gregory Botteon of New Oxford; Samantha Brown of New Oxford; Jeffrey Butters of East Berlin; Jonathan Carter of Littlestown; Mitchell Collins of New Oxford; Joel Crawmer of Littlestown; Brian Davis of York Springs; Tara Devore of New Oxford; Sergio Diaz Sandoval of New Oxford; Renee Fairchild of New Oxford; Roman Galysh of New Oxford; Richard Gross of New Oxford; Ariel Hagarman of York Springs; Kylie Hakes of East Berlin; Breeann Hall of Littlestown; Adam Hart of Abbottstown; Tiffany Henry of New Oxford; Austin Hornbrook of Littlestown; Lauryn Howe of York Springs; Brittany Jenkins of East Berlin; Ean Julius of East Berlin; Dustin Julius of East Berlin; Elizabeth Kleckner of York Springs; Bryce Kuhn of New Oxford; Trenten Lancaster of Abbottstown; Amber Lefever of Littlestown; Katie Lloyd of New Oxford; Erin Losh of East Berlin; Joshua Markle of Mcsherrystown; Kevin Mcmanama of East Berlin; Erin Murphy of East Berlin; Logan Myers of East Berlin; Sara Nickel of East Berlin; Abigail Orwig of East Berlin; Jessica Paholsky of Littlestown; Kathleen Pierce of Abbottstown; Malorie Plank of Mcsherrystown; Megan Renaut of Abbottstown; Jedidiah Riebling of Littlestown; Danny Ryerson of Littlestown; Melanie Saxon of East Berlin; Sarah Scozzaro of Littlestown; Kyle Sibert of New Oxford; Tara Smith of New Oxford;

Douglas Snyder of New Oxford; Miwon SO of Littlestown; Quinn Starner of New Oxford; Katelyn Swanger of East Berlin; Margaret Vissering of Abbottstown; Jason Warner of East Berlin; Benjaamin Zenittini of Littlestown; Daniel Acri of Etters; Scott Acri of Lewisberry; Grace Adams of Etters; Kathryn Adams of York; Patrick Albright of York; William Allman of York; Raymond Ames of Dallastown; Chelsi Amos of Hanover; Monica AN of York; Brooks Anderson of York; Alison Antonelli of New Freedom; Rollin Apgar of Glen Rock; Keyrilis Arenas of Red Lion; Matthew Arentz of Hanover; John Arthur of York; Norma Aviles of York; Zachary Bacigalupa of Stewartstown; Josiah Bair of Hanover; Allison Baird of York; Lauren Bajorek of York; Brian Baker of York; Christopher Balderson of Red Lion; Danielle Bange of Mount Wolf; Kayla Bankert of Spring Grove; Joshua Barefoot of York; Hannah Barlow of York; Brandon Barnhart of Hanover; Scott Barrera of York; Brianna Barrick of Hanover; Derek Bartram of Thomasville; Elizabeth Basso of York; Jonathan Basso of York; Christine Bealing of Hanover; Joshua Beamesderfer of York; Matthew Beaner of Thomasville; Karen Beard of York; Eric Beaverson of York; Jacob Beck of Brogue; Joel Becker of York; Erin Becker of Stewartstown; Steven Behan of Red Lion; Andrew Belnick of York; Alyssa Bender of Seven Valleys; Derik Benton of York; Alex Berwager of Hanover; Patrick Betmarik of Hanover; Alison Bieber of York; Eric Bieber of York; Danielle Bigger of Lewisberry; Abigail Birk of York; Evan Bittner of Red Lion; Ryan Black of Spring Grove; Joseph Blake of Spring Grove; Donna Blum of Glenville; Sarah Bode of York; Jesse Bohanan of York; Caleb Bohanan of York; Christian Bohn of York; Pauline Boiser of York; Jacob Bollinger of Hanover; Nicholas Borden of York; Jacob Bowen of Glen Rock; Scott Bowser of Red Lion; Brady Boyer of York; Thomas Boyer of Dover; Alan Boyle of Hanover; Taylor Brady of Shrewsbury; Jonathan Brandonisio of New Freedom; Christian Brandt of York; Jillian Brassel of Dillsburg; Karli Breeden of York; Thomas Breiner of York; Bethany Brenneman of Dillsburg; Hannah Bressi of York; Bryce Brindle of York; Chelsey Bryant of New Freedom; Daniel Bulgarelli of York; Bryan Burkentine of Hanover; Stephen Byrne of Dallastown; Andrew Callaghan of York; Kieran Carlisle of York; Jeffrey Cass of York; Stephany Castro of York; Makensi Ceriani of Dillsburg; John Chamberlin of Shrewsbury; Karen Chance of York; Christopher Chesko of York; David Chismar of York; Adam Chismar of York; Eric Chronister of Red Lion; Katrina Chronister of Dover; Jennie Ciborowski of Delta; Thomas Claytor of York; Deanna Coffey of Felton; Gordon Coggins of Hanover; Gillian Colley of Hanover; Kyle Conaboy of Hanover; Angela Conforti of Lewisberry; Alec Conlon of York; Michelle Cooper of York; Chad Coster of Delta; Janalee Coyle of York; Ryan Creedon of Red Lion; Casey Crotty of Windsor; Michelle Croucher of York; Braden Crowell of York; Mallori Crowther of York; Christopher Curry of York; Brandon Cwalina of New Freedom; Alexander Dale of Dillsburg; Michelle De Beaumont of York; Kathryn Deebel of Mount Wolf; Thomas Dehoff of Spring Grove; Megan Delaney of York; Alexa Detter of Dover; Kevin Dietz of York; Christopher Dill of York; Cierstin Dixon of Lewisberry; Rachel Dohler of Hanover; Debra Donadee of Lewisberry; Jordan Donaldson of Jacobus; Kelsey Drawbaugh of Dover; Samantha Dubs of York; Melissa Duck of Hanover; Katelyn Duncan of York; Jessica Dunkle of York; Duong Duong of York; Allison Dykeman of York; Laura Dzwonczyk of New Freedom; Tyler Earp of Hanover; Janice Eason of New Freedom; Benjamin Echterling of Red Lion; Evan Ehrhart of Red Lion; Zach Einsig of York; Sarah Elgin of Spring Grove; Allison Elliott of York; Kierstin Endres of Lewisberry; Stephen Engelhardt of Hanover; Christopher Ensor of Railroad; Matthew Ensor of Dillsburg; Madeline Erickson of Stewartstown; Lucas Evans of Wrightsville; Bryan Evans of York; Abbey Evans of York; Eric Evans of Stewartstown; Ana Fajardo of Dover; Erin Farrell of York; Emma Farrell of Seven Valleys; Liam Farrell of Seven Valleys; Nayib Felix of Manchester; Christian Fetterman of York; Laura Feveryear of Delta; Garrett Fike of Hanover; William Fike of Hanover; Zachary Fisher of Red Lion; Evan Fisher of York; Joseph Fix of York; Kelsey Flatau of Red Lion; Tara Flickinger of Seven Valleys; Anthony Fodel of New Freedom; Shawn Fox of Dillsburg; Kathryn Frey of York; Karl Frick of Yorkana; Nikolaus Fritz of York; Emily Frye of Etters; Amber Fuller of York Haven; Chad Fultz of York; Emily Gamber of Wellsville; Anand Ganjam of York; Adam Gante of York; Nicholas Garrety of Seven Valleys; Kate Garvin of York; Ashlee Geib of New Freedom; Molly Gentile of Spring Grove; Michael Ghaben of York; Edward Gilbert of Hanover; Manan Gill of York; Andrew Gill of Lewisberry; J A Gilliland of York; John Gilliland of York; Pamela Gladfelter of Etters; William Glick of York; Margaret Golden of York; Crystal Gordon of York; Jennifer Green of York; Cody Grimm of Thomasville; Simon Groshenko of York; Micah Gross of York; Kenneth Gross of York; Susan Grow of Stewartstown; Tyler Gugino of Seven Valleys; Jordan Haines of York; Jessica Hall of York; Craig Hammond of Dillsburg; Amy Hammonds of Spring Grove; Emilie Hamrick of York; Jessica Hanlon of Seven Valleys; Jessica Hanson of York; Sarah Hanson of York; Jonathan Harcourt of Spring Grove; George Harrelson of York; Adam Hart of York; Joseph Hartman of York; Amanda Hauser of York; Kevin Hawk of York; Denise Hawkins of Wellsville; Matthew Heaps of Dallastown; Cory Heathcote of York; Scott Heilman of Windsor; Kelly Helfrich of Shrewsbury; Michele Helwig of Dover; Erica Hemler of Hanover; Jonathan Hempfing of York; Kathryn Hempt of York Haven; Beth Henderson of Dover; Julia Henne of Etters; Leah Herman of York; Cassidy Hershey of Hanover; Zachary Hess of York; Robert Higgins of York; Jacob Hirschhorn of Manchester; Edwin Hochstedt of New Freedom; Heather Hodge of York; Laura Hoffman of Hanover; Matthew Hoffman of York; Benjamin Holbert of York; Ross Holland of Hanover; Derek Hollinger of York; Rachel Hollingshead of Brogue; Sabryna Holmberg of Glen Rock; Taimul Hoque of Hanover; Jordan Houck of York; Trevor Houck of Red Lion; Rebecca Hudish of Seven Valleys; Catherine Huggins of New Freedom; Warren Hursh of York; Jessica Ilko of York; Mary Imgrund of Wellsville; Adam Jackson of York; Aaron Jacobs of York; Marissa James of York; Natalie Janowiak of York; Edward Jenkins of Spring Grove; Xiaodong Jiang of Hanover; David Johnson of Hanover; Kayleigh Johnson of York; Quintin Johnson of York; Collin Jones of Jacobus; Ellen Jones of York; Christian Kaschak York; Sahib Kaur of York; Jennifer Kearney of York; Kasey Keefe of Manchester; Sarah Keim of York; Katelyn Keller of Loganville; Tyler Kelley of Red Lion; Brittany Ketterman of York; Evan Kieber of York; William Kiick of Hanover; Sarah Kindschuh of Hanover; Evander Kinsler of York; Cody Klahold of York; Benjamin Kline of York; Bryan Klinke of Mount Wolf; Zachary Klunk of Hanover; Jonathan Knepper of York; William Kohler of York; Bethany Kolmer of Spring Grove; Amy Krape of York; Natasha Krieg of York; Andrew Kronmeyer of Hanover; Setenay Kucukemiroglu of York; Christopher Kuhn of New Freedom; Joshua Kukorlo of York; Hannah Lane of York; Scott Lapaglia of New Freedom; Sherrie Laporta of Lewisberry; Dane Lathroum of Dallastown; Jordan Laucks of Red Lion; Hilary Lawyer of Dillsburg; Mary Lee of York; Brooke Leedy of York Haven; Christopher Lehman of New Freedom; Brian Lentz of York; Anthony Lerch of York; Brandon Leshchinskiy of York; Jessica Lewis of York; Stephen Lindsay of York; Daniel Lindsey of Mount Wolf; Kate Livingston of Dover; Alexander Lloyd of Red Lion; Alexandra Loder of York; Christopher Lombardo of York; Tierney Lookingbill of York; Brian Loughman of York; Nicole Louloudis of New Freedom; Reid Lowery of Mount Wolf; Toni Lozzi of York; Levi Luckabaugh of Spring Grove; Brittany Lynton of Shrewsbury; Robert Maccubbin of Delta; Sara Macdonald of Glen Rock; Cindy Macintosh of Red Lion; Rebekah Mackley of York; Kyle Macqueen of Red Lion; Nicholas Maderitz of York; Marisa Madsen of Stewartstown; Amy Madzelan of York; Stephen Magilton of Dover; Corey Magloire of York; Gregory Mann of Dover; Sarah Mannon of Lewisberry; Steven March of Dallastown; Joshua Markel of Glen Rock; Lauren Markle of Hanover; Caitlin Markline of Glen Rock; Rachel Marks of Hanover; Brittany Martz of Hhanover; Patrick Mccay of York; Allyson Mcclure of York; Nolan Mccormick of Seven Valleys; Kayla Mcdaniel of Dover; Joshua Mcdowell of Dallastown; Paul Mcelhinny of York; Nicholas Mcelhinny of York; Thorne Mcfarlane of York; William Mcneal of York; Shannon Mcneely of York; Lindsay Mcphail of New Freedom; Madison Mcsherry of York; Laura Meade of York; Kathleen Meckley of Dillsburg; Josephine Meckley of Dallastown; Christopher Meek of York; Eric Mehlman of York; Elizabeth Melhorn of York; Joseph Menapace of Hanover; Felice Mendez of York; Craig Messinger of Dillsburg; Zachary Mihalov of Dillsburg; Jonathan Mikolinis of Delta; Julianne Miles of Dillsburg; Anete Miljkovic of York; Lauren Miller of York; Christine Miller of Mt. Wolf; Krista Miller of York; Deanna Miller of Airville; Kayla Miller of York; Christina Miller of Red Lion; Morgan Miller of Red Lion; Jennifer Mills of York; Chloe Mistovich of Glen Rock; Tricia Mitschele of York; Cameron Molek Marquette of York; Steve Morales of York; John Morelli of Hallam; Lisa Morrison of York; Kaitlyn Morrow of York; Kendyl Morse of Dillsburg; Joseph Moussa of Dover; Jesse Mowen of York; Taylor Moyer of Mount Wolf; Wesley Mummert of Windsor; Elizabeth Mummert of Dover; Matthew Murphy of Dillsburg; Sara Murphy of Dillsburg; Cameron Murray of Red Lion; Alyssa Myers of York; Orian Navat of York; Matthew Nelson of New Freedom; Calvin Nelson of York; Jacob Newcomer of Thomasville; Makayla Newman of York; Zachary Newton of Hanover; Son Nguyen of York; Thao Nguyen of York; Joseph Nichisti of York; Ryan Nittinger of York; Jazmin Nixon of Dallastown; Allison Nizinski of York; Rebekah Noel of York; Samantha Noel of York; Laura Nonemaker of Stewartstown; Elise Olsen of Felton; Julia Orlidge of New Freedom; Emily Ort of Etters; Chelsea Paley of York; Maxfield Palmer of York; Michele Pantano of York; Michelle Papa of Glen Rock; Nandish Pathak of York; Kelsey Patterson of Shrewsbury; Andrew Patterson of Shrewsbury; Joshua Pavoncello of Manchester; Stephen Payne of Dallastown; Ashleigh Pedone of Seven Valleys; Erin Peeling of Glenville; Philip Peffer of York; Mary Pendergast of York; Rolfy Perez Holguin of York; Andrew Pergrin of Shrewsbury; Alexandra Perry of Dillsburg; Emily Pettit of York; NY Pham of York; Daniel Picone of Felton; Richard Pittinger of Hanover; Brittney Pitzer of York; Arielle Placke of Hanover; Kyle Plasterer of Stewartstown; Kelsey Poe of Stewartstown; Andrew Poling of Hanover; Ellyse Pollack of York; Stephanie Poplaski of Dillsburg; Brittany Portner of York; Jenna Potteiger of Glen Rock; Alysia Quesenberry of York; Arlinda Ramadani of New Freedom; Kelly Ramcharan of York; Eduardo Rayner of York; Amanda Redden of Hanover; Katie Reeves of York; Emily Righter of York; Theodore Rittase of York; Norbert Rodriguez of York; Daniel Rogers of Glen Rock; Kacey Royer of York; Michael Rubadue of Wrightsville; Jonathan Ruhsam of Wellsville; Christopher Runyan of York; Jordan Rutherford of Dillsburg; Gabriel Ryan of York; Dominic Salomone of Dillsburg; Madison Salvitti of New Freedom; Timothy Sam of York; Benjamin Sasser of Hanover; Joseph Savinell of New Freedom; Kelly Schaszberger of York; Ashley Schleig of York Haven; Ashley Schoonover of Thomasville; Robert Schultz of New Freedom; Janelle Schwanger of Dillsburg; John Schwartz of York; Andrew Seely of York; Tyler Seigman of Hanover; Daniel Sells of York; Westley Senft of York; Charlotte Settle of Dillsburg; Brian Shackelford of York; Kathryn Shaffer of York; Ryan Shaffer of Mount Wolf; Lauren Shaffer of York; Koonj Shaikh of York; Komal Shaikh of York; Alison Sheaf of York; Kyle Sheely of Hanover; Zachary Sheffer of York; Jordan Shouey of Dillsburg; Deborah Shue of Dover; Shehzad Siddique of York; Ariel Siegelman of York; Tyler Simmons of Hanover; Michelle Singer of Dillsburg; Brianna Sites of Wrightsville; Aileen Skennonto of York; Emily Slobodian of York; Katlynn Slonaker of York Haven; Donald Small of York; Johanna Smith of Shrewsbury; Dale Smith of York; Michelle Smith of Hanover; Amelia Smith of York; Danielle Smith of New Freedom; Jenna Smith of Dover; Lindsey Smith of Hanover; Rachael Smith of Hanover; Amanda Smith of Etters; Daniel Snare of York; Tobie Sneeringer of Spring Grove; Ryan Snider of York; Aimee Sohnleitner of York; Angela Solle of Seven Valleys; Megan Southwell of York; Levi Sowers of Dillsburg; Santo Spataro of York; Daniel Spencer of New Freedom; Tiffany Stambaugh of York; Nicholas Stanley of York; Matthew Stanley of York; Halie Staub of York; Nancy Stees of Dillsburg; Christopher Sternberger of Lewisberry; Thomas Stevenson of Hanover; Megan Stewart of Wellsville; Jared Stiffler of York; Lowell Stine of Red Lion; Samuel Stoley of Shrewsbury; Eric Stoltz of York; Samantha Stoltzfus of York; Brant Stoner of Dover; Corey Stubbs of York; Justin Sumpman of Wrightsville; Lauren Swartz of Dillsburg; Patrick Swatsworth of Etters; Brandon Szyman of York; Sriharsha Talluri of Jacobus; David Tawadras of York; Natasha Taylor of Thomasville; Devin Taylor of Red Lion; Amanda Tharle of York; Carly Thoman of Seven Valleys; Elizabeth Thomas of Etters; Chelsea Thompson of York; Andrew Thompson of York; Kaitlin Tomison of Red Lion; Christopher Topper of York; Danielle Tozlu of York; Ryan Tracy of Seven Valleys; Duy Tran of Dillsburg; Steve Tran of York; Brittany Truscott of Red Lion; Michael Turek of Red Lion; Matthew Vaupel of York; Danielle Veneziano of Dover; Belen Veras-alba of York; Nathan Vitacco of Mount Wolf; Lindsay Vogel of Etters; Alessandro Volo of Dallastown; Francesco Volo of Dallastown; Jessica Waltersdorff of Spring Grove; Katelyn Waltimyer of Felton; Mengting Wang of Dover; Amelia Warntz of York; Allison Waro of New Freedom; Victoria Waugh of Glen Rock; Joseph Weaver of York; James Weaver of Glen Rock; Blair Weikel of Stewartstown; Alexandra Wenger of Lewisberry; Kimberley Wentz of York; Joshua Wheeland of York; Hannah Wheeler of New Freedom; Loretta White of Hanover; KKeith Wickline of York; Tanner Widdowson of Hanover; Brandon Willis of York; Martha Wilson of Red Lion; Jack Wimsett of Hanover; Leah Winand of York; Jacob Winemiller of York; Logen Wisner of York; Katelyn Witman of York; Ian Wolfe of Red Lion; Laura Wolfe of Felton; Justin Wolford of Red Lion; Matthew Woods of York; Victoria Woods of New Freedom; James Yost of Etters; Steven Ziegler of York; Jeremy Zinser of Brogue; Andi Zirkle of Manchester; Sean Zortman of York


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