Unfortunately, members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisor's City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee do not seem to understand that it is not law-abiding gun owners who are the cause of violent crime.?? They?apparently?believe that if they impose further restrictions on current legally owned products then they will reduce violent crime where current?gun control laws have utterly failed.? Criminals do not respect current gun laws, so why should anyone expect criminals to obey new gun laws?
On Wednesday, the San Francisco Board of Supervisor's City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee approved two anti-gun ordinances to now be heard by the full County Board of Supervisors.?? As of this writing, these two onerous ordinances were not on the schedule for the Tuesday, February 26 Board meeting.? However, it would not be surprising for that to change, so please be prepared to attend the February 26 board meeting at 2:00 pm.? Usually, the County Supervisors meet every Tuesday at City Hall in room 250 at 2:00 pm.
File 130040 bans "the possession and sale of certain ammunition, including black talon ammunition and ammunition intended exclusively for law enforcement and military purposes."? San Francisco law already prohibits the sale of the ammunition listed in File 130040.? Unfortunately, this proposed ordinance would take that law a step further and ban the possession of these types of ammunition.? This?proposal?will only make criminals out of law-abiding citizens and do nothing to stop the criminal activities of others.
File 130039 requires the reporting of ammunition sales of 500 or more rounds.? This ordinance will also do nothing to stop criminal activities.? These reports will only have information on law-abiding competitive and recreational shooters, because they would be the only individuals who regularly buy ammunition in bulk to save money on the large quantities of ammunition they need to improve and maintain their skills.
If enacted these egregious ordinances will only result in innocent law-abiding citizens paying the price for the criminal activities of others.
It is critical that you call AND e-mail county?Supervisors TODAY and urge them to OPPOSE these useless anti-gun ordinances.?? Ask them to instead focus on meaningful measures relating to school safety, mental health issues, marketing of violence?as entertainment?for?our children and the collapse of federal prosecutions of violent criminals.? Don't forget to forward this alert to your family, friends and fellow gun owners in San Francisco County and urge them to do the same.
Please continue to check your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for updates on this important issue.
Contact information for the county Supervisors can be found below:
District 1
Eric Mar
(415) 554-7410
District 2
Mark Farrell
(415) 554-7752
District 3
David Chiu ? President of the Board
(415) 554-7450
District 4
Carmen Chu
(415) 554-7460
District 5
London Breed
(415) 554-7630
District 6
Jane Kim
(415) 554-7970
District 7
Norman Yee
(415) 554-6516
District 8
Scott Wiener
(415) 554-6968
District 9
David Campos
(415) 554-5144
District 10
Malia Cohen
(415) 554-7670
District 11
John Avalos
(415) 554-6975
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