Thursday, December 27, 2012

Remains of the Day: Google Calling to Be Free Through 2013

Remains of the Day: Google Calling to Be Free Through 2013Google extends its free calling service, Google Music's scan-and-match has a bit of a mix-up, and Netflix's US customers will get new social features next year.

  • Free calling within the US and Canada through 2013 If you already use Gmail to make free calls, then here's some good (though perhaps expected) news: Google will continue to support free calling within the US and Canada through 2013. If you don't already take advantage of this, here are a few ideas on how to use it. [Official Gmail Blog]
  • Google's Music Matching Reportedly Replacing Explicit Songs with Clean Versions Some Google Music users are reporting that the service's new scan-and-match feature has been replacing explicit songs in their collections with clean versions. Other users have reported the exact opposite scenario?clean versions being replaced with explicit ones. Commenters have been quick to point out that this sort of problem happens a lot with many scan-and-match services. Google has yet to respond. [The Verge]
  • Netflix ?Social Features' Coming In 2013, Once President Signs Bill Netflix will be introducing new social features for its US customers next year which will allow them to link their Netflix and Facebook accounts and share their recently watched list with friends. Canadian and Latin American Netflix customers have already had this feature for some time, but the 1988 Video Privacy Protection Act prohibited companies from disclosing customers rental histories. A bill amending the act was passed by the Senate last Thursday and will allow companies like Netflix to share such information provided they obtain "informed, written consent." [Talking Points Memo]

Photo by photastic (Shutterstock), a2bb5s (Shutterstock), and Feng Yu (Shutterstock).


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