A lot of people are already familiar with what mass text messages can do to them, more so to their business in terms of marketing their products and services. Because of the big help that bulk messaging has done to a lot of companies, they are already trying to venture out into different methods on how they can benefit more; a lot of people are trying to find out if they can actually send mass text messages from their own computer. This article will give you a hint on how you will be able to do just that.
The most effective and popular method used by a lot of people to <a rel=?nofollow? onclick=?javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/4342947']);? href=?http://www.messij.com/sms-fax-broadcast.php?pid=broadcast-sms?>sms from computer</a>using their personal computer is by asking help from very reliable programs. It does not matter what particular program you use just as long as you know that it will actually let you send a single message to a lot of people at one time. Most of these programs will first require you to fill out a very basic information sheet on their website and then you will be able to receive an activation link on your email, while you get an activation code on your mobile phone. All you need to do is click on the link and then enter the activation code that has been sent to your phone before you are able to fully create their account and enjoy using their software. Enjoying the software will however require you to download first the program and then installing it to your computer.
Technological advances are definitely happening faster than ever in the world we live in. But one type of communication that may be here in one form or another for a very long time is text message from computer or what others are calling mobile ads.
This permission-based message channel has now become the number one choice of communication for mobile users and for businesses reaching clients and church organizations staying in touch with their members.
What can no longer be ignored is the fact that approximately 279 million consumers have their mobile phones with them practically twenty-four hours per day. That means that almost 90 percent of this country is cell phone captive.
In recent metric studies being done on mobile phone usage, nearly 70 million have received some type of SMS marketing or mobile ads. What advertising agencies find optimistic is that nearly 14 percent of these users responded to these mobile coupons, polls or notices.
These non-intrusive types of text messages, also known as SMS text alerts, allows short messages usually with a maximum of 130 to 160 characters to be sent from one cell phone to another or from a mobile SMS marketing platform leased by a business, charity, school or church.
The text message from computer concept has given businesses and church organizations the ability to stay in touch with customers and church members with SMS text marketing is absolutely remarkable with mobile users welcoming this technology wholeheartedly.
Take for example, you would now have the ability to insert website links in the actual text, include invitations to enter contests, inform church members of future sermons or other important notices, receive mobile coupons, and take part in donation campaigns.
But it does more than this. If you are already utilizing some form of print, television, outdoor signage, radio or website advertising, a SMS text marketing campaign can literally make your current advertising more profitable.
A lot of people become immediately intimidated by the fact that they need to use their computer to send a single text message to a lot of people at one time, but the truth is that this is not a very technical thing. As long as you are aware of particular software that can give you the functions that you need and you know how to take advantage of its features, you will be all set to go.
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Source: http://www.electrathonnewengland.org/sms-from-computer.html
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